Standard medium-viscosity A-bisphenol-based resin with restrained crystallization ability. Suitable for boatbuilding, sports equipement, models, moulds, adhesives. Viscosity: 2,300-2,900mPas/25°C. Mixing with H 133-138 hardeners - mixing ratio: 100:35 (weight), 100:40 (volume). With H 504-502 hardeneres - mixing ratio: 100:40 (weight), 100:50 (volume). Other hardeners can be used, too.

18.70 € Orient. Price incl. VAT per unit:

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If you buying more you will save:

From count Price excl. VAT per unit Price incl. VAT
1 kg 15.45 € 18.70 €
5 kg 11.82 € 14.30 €
10 kg 11.21 € 13.57 €
30 kg 10.91 € 13.20 €
50 kg 10.61 € 12.83 €

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